Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My little man is two!!!

Two years ago today I was given an amazing gift and privilege. When the doctor said "It's a boy!" I was overwhelmed with a happiness so deep I really can't adequately explain it.  I have a son!  We have our Princess, and now we have our Jedi. 

Jaxon Zion Moss was born two years ago today. His little body has gotten bigger, and being all boy he has he share of bumps and bruises from jumping off couches and playground equipment. His personality has emerged, and it is such a happy disposition and also so loving. He is obsessed with Buzz Lightyear (which is only just a stepping stone to Star Wars stuff) and is loving toward his sister (But also a little ornery at times. Last night he ran into the living room where she was building a Lego tower. He pushed it down, laughed huge, and then ran out). He is growing up to be such an amazing little dude.

And I am so incredibly thankful that he calls me daddy!  Happy Birthday to my buddy!!!

Here are a bunch of recent pics of him:


Jessica said...

Happy birthday, Jaxon!! :)

I have to admit, I am laughing inside at what he did to Baylee's Lego tower (I can't laugh out loud right now otherwise I would). I feel bad for her and would probably be upset if that was me, but reading it is quite amusing. :)

bobby moss said...

It was amusing watching it live. Has to bury my face in a pillow =)