10. Peter Gabriel - "Down to Earth" (single from the Wall-E soundtrack)
It's the song that plays during the final credits and is proof enough the Gabriel needs to put out another album - with all the songs being as awesome as this one.

9. Juno soundtrack
Was the first time I'd ever heard of Kimya Dawson and The Moldy Peaches. Fun, acoustic stuff.

8. Sanctus Real - We Need Each Other
The band that showed me Christian music wasn't dead. I think The Face of Love album is a little better, but this one is still very good.

7. Jack Johnson - Sleep Through Static
I need to listen to this a little more, but Jack is one of my favorites. Love the first single.

6. Metallica - Death Magnet
OK, I confess, I grew up listening to metal - still enjoy some metal. I'll also admit though that other than the song "One" and a few songs off the Black album, I never really got into Metallica. I really liked the documentary for the filming of St. Anger (though I only liked 2 songs on the album) and started listening to them. I like this album because it just sounds like an hour long jam-session - a very good jam session.

5. R.E.M. - Accelerate
I bought this a couple weeks ago because Amazon had it on sale for $5. I love it because it's good to hear just a good old rock 'n roll album. Great guitar sound and Michael Stipe sounds great as usual.

4. Radiohead - In Rainbows
Another recent purchase. Never listened to them but got this one because some friends had been talking good about it. LOVE the sound. Very different, but very innovative. Been listening to this and the R.E.M. album probably more than anything the last couple weeks.

3 Chris Tomlin - Hello Love
"God of this City" - enough reason for this to be great.

2. John Mellencamp - Life Death Love & Freedom
This a great folk album, a really dark album, from one of the most under-rated artists ever. "Longest Days" is probably one of my favorite songs of the year simply because it lyrically captures how I was feelings for quite awhile.

1. Coldplay - Viva la Vida
By far my favorite of the year. Was highly anticipating this album and they did not disappoint me. "Lovers in Japan" and "Viva la Vida" are just amazing songs, followed behind by the rest of the great track list. I only wish I could have seen them again in concert when they came to Chicago this time around.
That's what I've put into my Zune this year. In 2009 I'll be highly anticipating new projects by Springsteen, U2, and Green Day. Not sure who else is putting new stuff out next year, but those three pretty much overshadow anyone else anyway.
Didn't go to many concerts this past year. Couldn't afford it.
Best concert moment: Springsteen in Milwaukee.
When the man plays for over 4 hours straight - and the whole 4 hours is rockin, you can't get a whole lot better.
Worst concert moment: Smashing Pumpkin in Chicago.
I don't think I was ever that excited to see a show. I don't think I was ever so unhappy walking out of one. Horrible set list, that pretty much sums it all up. Still my favorite band, but not too sure I'll go see them live again.
And that's music in 2008.
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