Friday, April 13, 2012

Dealing with the CONTRASTs of life

This Sunday at New Life we are beginning a new teaching series called CONTRAST. This is a great description of what it's all about:

This world can be a dark and broken place.  The headlines tell of unjust wars and gang violence, misused wealth and extreme poverty, broken relationships and fragmented families, anger, selfishness and fear.  But there is a contrast. A light more powerful than the darkness also shines. A new world is breaking into this old one. In our newest teaching series we'll see that the light is Jesus and  His new world is entering through the people who restore in His name. This is a series about being a faith community that is seeking to be the difference, restoring light rather than cursing darkness.

The teachings will be based on John's first letter, which is toward the end of the New Testament. I'm really excited about this this series because it is about identity and empowerment, truth and justice. It will be phenomenal! 

If you are in Chicago I hope you can come and be part of it (Our services at New Life Lincoln Park are at 10am and 5pm). Or if you aren't in the city you can download the messages from here.

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